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Hotel Rita

The weather in Längenfeld

morning, 19.05.2024
temperature: 8°C/46°F
fair weather chance: 70%
frost line: 2700 m
afternoon, 19.05.2024
temperature: 17°C/63°F
fair weather chance: 60%
frost line: 3300 m
Monday, 20.05.2024
temperature: 18°C/64°F
fair weather chance: 70%
frost line: 3300 m
Tuesday, 21.05.2024
temperature: 13°C/55°F
fair weather chance: 40%
frost line: 2700 m



Central European weather is still in summer lethargy! Winds from the south will bring a bit more humid maritime air to our region today. It will not be humid enough to keep the sun from shining, but it may still produce thunderstorms towards the evening.



Monday will remain bright and warm with only a low risk of thunderstorms towards the evening. Tuesday will bring a change, however: With the foehn weakening, thunderstorms will develop.



Central European weather is still in summer lethargy! Winds from the south will bring a bit more humid maritime air to our region today. It will not be humid enough to keep the sun from shining, but it may still produce thunderstorms towards the evening.



Monday will remain bright and warm with only a low risk of thunderstorms towards the evening. Tuesday will bring a change, however: With the foehn weakening, thunderstorms will develop.



Central European weather is still in summer lethargy! Winds from the south will bring a bit more humid maritime air to our region today. It will not be humid enough to keep the sun from shining, but it may still produce thunderstorms towards the evening.



Monday will remain bright and warm with only a low risk of thunderstorms towards the evening. Tuesday will bring a change, however: With the foehn weakening, thunderstorms will develop.



Central European weather is still in summer lethargy! Winds from the south will bring a bit more humid maritime air to our region today. It will not be humid enough to keep the sun from shining, but it may still produce thunderstorms towards the evening.



Monday will remain bright and warm with only a low risk of thunderstorms towards the evening. Tuesday will bring a change, however: With the foehn weakening, thunderstorms will develop.

Best price booking directly here.